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According to the National Statistics and Geography Institute (INEGI), sight impairment occupies the second place in Mexico disabilities.

There are more than 2200000 people with some kind of visual disability and that makes it difficult for them when trying to find a job. Even though there are laws, mechanisms and programs to insure that working is possible it is not enough.

It is necessary to take action and educate people so that inclusion can happen for these Mexicans.


We organized a brand activation event in the Inbursa Aquarium in Mexico City where assistants experienced through their other senses the scent, body and taste of Ambhar Tequila. Guided by Milly Marin and her team composed by visually impaired people. Blind tasting, in the literal sense of the word, demonstrated that the lack of sight is not an impediment for a normal inclusion in society.

The best way to educate is through example, that is why to promote work integration of visually impaired people we invited consumers to an sensory immersive experience. A tasting in absolute darkness directed by Milly Marin, the only blind sommelier in Mexico to showcase Ambhar Tequila’s unique taste.

Do you want to see other campaigns? Check them all here!